Friday, October 2, 2009

The Rev's Advice on Wedding Planning

My friend Craig -- who I hadn't heard from for a while -- recently sent me an email. Craig and I met while we were both at Vanderbilt University in Graduate school and quickly became great friends. Every Tuesday, with only a few exceptions, Craig and I would go to half price pizza night at a great pizza place in Nashville, TN called MAFIAoZA's where we discussed his new girl friend Ashley and our futures. Well some 4 years later Craig has gone on to marry Ashley and he recently graduated from Princeton University with his MDiv and is now Reverend Craig and Pastor of a church in St. Simon's Georgia. He and Ashley also recently had their first child Benjamin. Craig has done well, and i'm sure his life is better than he thought it would be when we were talking about our future's on those Tuesday nights. In his email Craig sent me some wedding advice and I thought I would share an excerpt of that email with you all:
"Hope your fiancee will be doing most of the wedding planning. I remember the key with Ashley was to fake interest by saying, "I don't know, I kind of like both (flowers, colors, reception venues, ect.) what do you think" Then, once her real opinion is secured, I agree with it; Thus, you are supportive.
Oh Yeah, I mentioned Dr. Flake in a sermon a couple weeks ago. It was about change, and I brought up Dr. Flake's concluding thought from our American Religious History course. 'If you want to change something, you must love it first, because only then can you really under stand something enough to change it.'"


Rev. Craig Pope
Montgomery Presbyterian Church
Thanks Craig,

A's M.

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