Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Words I never thought I would know: (Sigh) and I know them now

Wedding planning has taught me a lot about things I would've never known otherwise. Especially about fabrics, dresses, colors, and flowers.

For example take "boning": Boning comes in many formats, nylon, polyester, steel and in widths varying from 3 mm to 12 mm (1/8” to ½”). Some boning bends in all directions, others move backwards and forwards, and some boning does not bend at all! Amazing right? It is.

Did you you know that a strapless boned bodice is popular all the year around, but no more so than for special occasion wear and bridal wear? I didn't either at least not until a few months ago. And I didn't have a choice because there are wedding magazine's all over (Admittedly, i bought her a Martha stewart's wedding subscription).

But my favorite new word is "Dupioni": Dupioni is a silk, made from hard to find twin silk worms, which creates the fabric's unusual and attractive characteristics. Often used in home furnishings and formal wear, it is popular and one of the less expensive silks.

It's not as interesting to read about but it is fun to say!

These are only the fabric words i've learned. In the flower world there are other words. Will I remember all these words this time next year? No, I'll be studying for the Virginia Bar and be focused on terms like "Probable Case" "Rational Relation" "But-for" ect.

Do I like talking about fabric? No stores like, Michael's, Jo-Anne's ect. literally give me a headache, I hate them. But A. loves them and she loves wedding planning, so I've tried to make the best of "fabric talk."

My only point is that for those guys just getting engaged, keep your blackberry/iphone handy and be ready to google, that way you can stay fluid in the conversation, and you might learn something.

A's. M.

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